A Spark of Light

Jesus lit a spark in our little world that exploded and spread like wild fire. Holy men and women began to rise up, filled with the courage of the Holy Spirit. Great saints rose up and began spreading the love of Jesus to the world.

While all nurses are called to take care of a person’s bodily needs, a parish nurse is also called to help take care of their spiritual needs. As Catholics, we recognize the two go hand in hand. In the earliest beginnings of nursing, Catholics would take care of the sickest of the sick, and people no one else was willing to tend to. They did this to serve others as Jesus commanded and help heal their bodies. They also did it to help save their souls. Tending the sick allowed many Catholics to spread the faith to people who would have otherwise never been reached. They helped rich and poor alike, and converted many to the faith through their love.

A Beautiful Beginning

We have all been called to follow God’s will on this earth, and prayerfully discern the unique plan He has for us. Some jobs may seem menial, but even the least of these has a purpose, and can be a way to serve God. Providing for your family and bringing the light of Christ to your co-workers is a calling in itself, and God has given His blessing to all hard work, saying, “Do not hate hard work; work was assigned by God.” (Sirach 7:15).

If you are a nurse, you are one of the lucky few who can easily see that your vocation is inherently Christian. At nursing’s very core is Jesus’ calling to “do unto others”. In just 33 years, Jesus managed to ignite a spark that would change the face of the entire world. With His radical teachings, Jesus taught others that in order to be first, you must be last. God Himself was willing to come and serve the sickest of the sick, and the poorest of the poor, and that calling was extended to mankind, as we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus Himself. His words call us time and time again:

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” -Mark 10:45

“If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet.” -John 13:14

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do.” -John 14:12

“If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” -Mark 9:35

From this beautiful beginning came the intense calling to not only take care of others, but serve them as Jesus did. Great saints began to rise up and sacrifice everything, following the path of Jesus on the cross. Throughout time, Catholics formed charities to take care of the sick. Follow some of these holy men and women with our Catholic Nursing timeline and journey in our next post!